












JS head

<!-- タグ設定のJavaScript headに以下をカットして貼り付けてください。
    同一widgetを複数追加する場合、複数回貼付けは不要です。 -->
    var questionAdvice = questionAdvice || {};
    (function(_) {
        const target = '.js-question';

        _.questionCheck = function(el) {
            let advice;
            let checkItems = el.querySelectorAll('.js-item');
            checkItems.forEach(checkItem => {
                checkItem.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
                    advice = e.target.closest('.js-question').querySelector('.js-advice');
                    if (advice.classList.contains('is-hidden')) {

            function smoothScroll(target) {
                let elPos = target.getBoundingClientRect().top;
                let offset = window.pageYOffset;
                let pos = elPos + offset;
                    top: pos,
                    behavior: 'smooth',

         * Lazyload画像の読み込みチェック
         * @param {object} object チェックしたい画像
         * @param {callback} callback ロード完了時に実行する関数
        _.lazyImgLoaded = function(object, callback) {
            if (typeof LazyLoad === 'undefined' || !(object.length)) {
                if (!callback) return;
            const target = Array.from(object);

            const promise = target.map(async (img) => {
                return imgCheck(img);
            Promise.all(promise).then((msg) => {
                if (!callback) return;

            function imgCheck(img) {
                let flg = img.classList.contains('loaded');
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    if (flg) {
                    } else {
                        LazyLoad.load(img, {
                            callback_loaded: resolve("OK"),
                            callback_cancel: reject("ERROR"),
                            callback_error: reject("ERROR")
                        }); //画像の読み込み

        _.init = function() {
            Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(target), el => {

<!-- JavaScript headここまで -->

<!-- タグ設定のJavaScript bodyに以下をカットして貼り付けてください。
    同一widgetを複数追加する場合、複数回貼付けは不要です。 -->
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        questionAdvice.lazyImgLoaded(document.querySelectorAll(".js-question img"), questionAdvice.init);
    }, false);
<!-- JavaScript bodyここまで -->


<div class="questionCheck__area">
    <div class="questionCheck__head">
        <img src="https://production.static.squadbeyond.com/uploads/article_photo/photo/711633/2856f88e-0076-4f7a-9dd6-c1e5117bb18b.png" alt="" height="380" width="570" draggable="false">

    <div class="questionCheck__inner">
        <div class="arrow">
            <span class="arrowInTxt">START</span>

        <div class="question__box js-question">
            <div class="question__head">
                <p class="num">Q1</p>
                <p class="txt">質問が入ります質問が入ります<br>質問が入ります</p>

            <div class="question__items">
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-1">
                <label for="q1-1">選択肢1-1</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-2">
                <label for="q1-2">選択肢1-2</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-3">
                <label for="q1-3">選択肢1-3</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q1" id="q1-4">
                <label for="q1-4">選択肢1-4</label>

            <div class="advice__box js-advice is-hidden">
                <img src="https://production.static.squadbeyond.com/uploads/article_photo/photo/711633/2856f88e-0076-4f7a-9dd6-c1e5117bb18b.png" alt="" draggable="false">

        <div class="arrow">
            <span class="arrowInTxt">NEXT</span>

        <div class="question__box js-question">
            <div class="question__head">
                <p class="num">Q2</p>
                <p class="txt">質問が入ります質問が入ります</p>

            <div class="question__items">
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q2" id="q2-1">
                <label for="q2-1">選択肢2-1</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q2" id="q2-2">
                <label for="q2-2">選択肢2-2</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q2" id="q2-3">
                <label for="q2-3">選択肢2-3</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q2" id="q2-4">
                <label for="q2-4">選択肢2-4</label>

            <div class="advice__box js-advice is-hidden">
                <img src="https://production.static.squadbeyond.com/uploads/article_photo/photo/711633/2856f88e-0076-4f7a-9dd6-c1e5117bb18b.png" alt="" draggable="false">

        <div class="arrow">
            <span class="arrowInTxt">FINISH</span>

        <div class="question__box js-question">
            <div class="question__head">
                <p class="num">Q3</p>
                <p class="txt">質問が入ります質問が入ります</p>

            <div class="question__items">
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q3" id="q3-1">
                <label for="q3-1">選択肢3-1</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q3" id="q3-2">
                <label for="q3-2">選択肢3-2</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q3" id="q3-3">
                <label for="q3-3">選択肢3-3</label>
                <input class="js-item" type="radio" name="q3" id="q3-4">
                <label for="q3-4">選択肢3-4</label>

            <div class="advice__box js-advice is-hidden">
                <img src="https://production.static.squadbeyond.com/uploads/article_photo/photo/711633/2856f88e-0076-4f7a-9dd6-c1e5117bb18b.png" alt="" draggable="false">

        <div class="thanks__box">
            <div class="thanks__head">
                <div class="baloon__box">
                    <p class="txt">アンケートへのご回答<br>ありがとうございました!</p>

            <div class="thanks__content">
                <img src="https://production.static.squadbeyond.com/uploads/article_photo/photo/711633/2856f88e-0076-4f7a-9dd6-c1e5117bb18b.png" alt="" height="342" width="513" draggable="false">
                <a href="○○○○○" class="btn" draggable="false">○○○○の<br>予約はこちら</a>


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